Rainbow Serpent Wikipedia The Rainbow Serpent or Rainbow Snake is a common deity also known as Wagyl Wuagyl etc often seen as a creator god and a common motif in the art and religion of Aboriginal Australia It is named for the identification between the shape of a rainbow and that of a snake The Rainbow Serpent The Rainbow Serpent participates in the creation of the world in so many of the Aboriginal Myths of Dreamtime Higher Quality The Rainbow Serpent The rainbow serpent was hungry and tricked the young men “I have no shelter but you can hide in my mouth You’ll be safe from the rain in there” The young men climbed into Goorialla’s mouth and he closed it shut swallowing both men The Rainbow Serpent The Rainbow Serpent Far off in Dreamtime there were only people no animals or birds no trees or bushes no hills or mountains The country was flat Goorialla the great Rainbow Serpent stirred and set off to look for his own tribe He travelled across Australia from South to North Rainbow Serpent in Aboriginal Art Culture The Rainbow Serpent is the considered the regenerative and reproductive power in nature and human beings and is therefore the main character in the region’s major ceremonies The Rainbow Serpent or Snake is portrayed as a long mythical creature made of different parts of animals such as a kangaroo’s head crocodile’s tail with a huge snake body Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story Japingka Aboriginal Art Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story Spirit of the Waterholes For Aboriginal people of the desert Rituals People pay great respect to the Rainbow Serpent especially as they approach a waterhole Powers People believe that the power of the Rainbow Serpent is so Water and Renewal Known
Title : The Rainbow Serpent
ISBN : 1864365323
Release Date : 2000-09-01
Number of Pages :
Author :
Rating : 4.0
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